Giulia Lissoni


(Los Angeles, 2024)

Welcome to my page!

(Last update: November 2024)



giulia.lissoni [at] mines-paristech [dot] fr
lissonigiulia [at] yahoo [dot] it


CEMEF, Mines Paristech
1 rue Claude Daunesse,
Sophia Antipolis, 06904

I currently work at SCC as a numerical developer engineer (between Sophia-Antipolis and Saint-Etienne). I develop a 3D software for industrial heating and cooling processes, working closely with the team at CEMEF (École de Mines-Paristech), where I was a Post-Doc between 2020 and 2021.

Before that, I was in Laboratoire Jean-Leray (Université de Nantes), as a member of the ANR project MoHyCon.
I got my PhD in October 2019 at Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné (Université Côte d'Azur), working under the supervision of Thierry Goudon and Stella Krell.
I was a part of the Inria Team COFFEE.

About Me

During my PhD, my research focused on the analysis of Finite Volume methods for the simulation of PDEs.
In particular, I developped DDFV methods for the Stokes and Navier Stokes equations, focusing on the study of different types of boundary conditions and by studying non-overlapping Domain Decomposition methods.
During my first post-doc, I worked on the design and analysis of numerical schemes for semiconductors models.
Then, I started working on moving mesh algorithms for multiphase fluid and moving structure interaction.
Over the past few years, I have been involved in the development of a 3D software for CFD thermal analysis. Among other tasks, I worked on integrating models for S2S radiation, boiling, phase transformations, and mesh algorithms.


Phd Thesis:







Other talks:

Attended schools:
